Meet Up With Your Colleagues In 200 Level With IJMB
200 Level With IJMB
Well I’m sorry to say this, that most of the students failed UTME this year, that is just the fact, those who failed it most were those who had always in miracle centers, as it being called here in Nigeria – a miracle center is an examination center where the school authorities and the supervisor of the exam team together to help the students to pass by assisting them with answers. Well it has been in existence for long, is not a new thing, all these was just as a result and an evidence of a country going to failed state.
With so many calls I received within Friday evening and Sundays make me to write this little write up to encourage students not to stop reading or to eliminate the spirit of wishing to go higher in their education pursuit in life. Failing UTME or JAMB as being called by many people including the elites and even educationists sometimes, well I can’t exonerate myself because I do the same mistakes once in a while. But I believe that you know the write word is UTME exam and JAMB exam. So what I’m I talking about this evening, you had failed UTME or have lost trust and confidence in UTME, which is fortunately one of the so many options you can follow to go for your university degree. Now that you have lost interest in UTME or not an option for you any longer, while don’t you try UTME which was the first option created before UTME came to stay and live with us till today. You see, as of now, UTME has come to overwhelmed IJMB to the point that only few students know about IJMB.
What To Do Now To Meet UP Your Colleagues In 200L?
What you need to do is very simple and straight forward – don’t waste another year for UTME to come and meets you – and even if you want to wait fof another year what is the probability that you are going to be chosen as one of the successful candidates. Here is one fact you cannot argue with, only few know about IJMB, everyone knows about UTME – so the ratio of you being admitted to the university is very low, to the ratio of IJMB. The last exam that was conducted last Saturday, 27th about 1.7milion seated for it, if you are used to listen or read newspaper you must have read whee Min. of Education say that only 520,000+ are going to be admitted into all institutions in Nigeria that includes both private and government owned universities also same with polythenics and colleges all over Nigeria. Now tell me what are you waiting for? To pack your baggages and join us between March and April for the full lectures to start with you. But before then, you need to buy your IJMB online with us for your 200 Level With IJMB.
Where To Start IJMB Program From Here
So you have made the right decision if you want to come for the program, it will help you alot. Lets me make this clear to you, just I have been telling my students – IJMB not for lazy, if you know you will come down to Ilorin, and just receives lectures without you reading personally afterwards, please sits at home, secondly, if you are thinking that you are very brilliant when you are in Secondary school, so you don’t need to read , again sits at home. IJMB are not for the two categories of people, the lazy who don’t want to read personally, and the brilliant who thinks they’ve known all. IJMB are only for those who think, I don’t know anything, but I want to know and because of that, I will read my book. This are not met to scare you, but to encourage you, and set your might for serious for the little months you are going to use with us.
The second step after known that is to buy the form, you can obtain the form in three ways
For those who lives in Ilorin, you can obtain yours by calling me in which I will link you up with the person you are going to buy the IJMB form from
You can also come and obtain the form at our institution physically here in Kwara state, Ilorin, Olunlade, just before Michael Imoudu Institute for Labour Studies. We don’t have where you can obtain your form physically in other states except Ilorin
The third one is very easier, you will send the money to our account number, to order for your form, then we will reserve the form you, and in case you want to pay for the courier, we will immediately dispatch it to you wherever you are in Nigeria
Step3. Is to wait till May 20 when the full lectures will begin or be preparing till you are ready to fully start. The accommodation has already being settled with your tuition fees.
200 Level With IJMB
With Suigeneris, we give students to pay the money instalmentaly within the space of six months, when the lectures start. So we expect every student to must have paid on or before November 20. Anything more than that is late registration, in which it attracts #10,000. I must be sincere with you now, so that it will not result into conflict in the future. Students who know me, always know that I don’t joke when it comes to the matter of telling the whole truth right from the beginning of any deal, discussions. So call me now for your IJMB forma and come and start with your initial payment at least on May 20.
Call the secretary line on 08105087367 for your form today.
7. Within 2 to 4 hours, a reply will be sent to you via the email you used to send the scanned data to us, the email will include other few details you need to know as an IJMB students
The total fees you will be paying through your IJMB programme with us in any of our centres is #168,000 till you write your final examination which is alway due by Februay every year. You can see the break down of the fees at IJMB programme fee
Finally, we should call you to ask you if you have any question or clarification you want us to answer or make
The IJMB registration 2022 has started, If you want to register for the 2022/2023 IJMB to gain admission into 200L of the University of your
Important Notice!
The general public are hereby informed that the IJMB registration exercise for the 2024/2025 academic session closing soon. Apply now to any of our affiliated available IJMB centres in Nigeria.
Also, it has come to our notice that some blog operators/owners are claiming to be our representatives by requesting monies to be paid into their account for the IJMB 2024 registration exercise. We wish to state clearly that:
We have no relationship with any of these person/website (s), as they are clearly fraudulent and should be reported.
Any prospective IJMB student that patronizes these persons/websites/platforms does it at his/her own risk.
We will not take any responsibility for any financial loss of such students/ guardians /parents.
That the only information on our website is the original and applicants should visit our website ( directly for registration, update of data, acceptance fee, download of the syllabus, change of centre, payment of tuition, fee, coordinator details, taking of entrance exam, and print of payment receipts etc.
The IJMB 2024/2025 academic session start on 5th of February 2024. .
Please be well informed and take caution. All payments should either be made via our website payment platform or paid into IJMB Alevel Registration Bank Accounts (WEMA and GTBank Only) - our account details are displayed all over our webpages.
Thank you for your understanding, IJMB Alevel Registration
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Students can Contact us in different ways and method, via Email, phone calls, WhatsApp, and social Media
All you have to do throughout IJMB is to attend lectures according to your timetable, if you are staying in the hostel, must be inside by 8:30pm and make sure you read at least 2 hours daily. Follow this, and you'll have nothing less than 13 points in your IJMB exam