IJMBE 2016/2017 Result Released – All Results Are Out

IJMBE Result Is Out – How To Check Your IJMB Reuslt

2016/2017 IJMBE result has been released by the IJMB board. The result which was a delight for those IJMB students who has already purchase their Direct Entry form waiting for their release to know their points has been finally released after a brief anticipation by concerned candidates nationwide in Nigeria.
The result that was released are for the IJMB examination written during January/February in this 2017 (this year) IJMB is a about 9 month programme that sees into successful candidates gaining admission into 200 level via Direct Entry form
IJMB as a programme can be used to study any course in
the university and more details and proper subject combination are provided in the yearly brochure being released by JAMB.

What Next After Seeing Your IJMBE Result?

The next step after seeing your result is to buy Direct Entry form from any accredited banks by JAMB or visist JAMB office to do so. After that, you are to fill your prefferred institutions correctly in the JAMB portal with the purchased Direct Entry form in combination with your result

How To Check IJMB Result Online?

To check your IJMB, for now it is impossible to check your IJMB result online, please your study centre or call any of study centre management for your result. You are likely to visit your IJMB study centre any part of Nigeria before you can see your result. Most times, the best person to call for your result is to call your coordinator.
Take note that if you are still owning any amount no matter how little it is, your result will not be given to you until you do so. So if you are owning, please confirm the amount you  are owning, before going to your IJMB study centre, so that you can take the money owned along.

More Information About IJMB 2016/2017 Results And Action To Be Taken

This is to notify the candidates who sat for the 2016/2017 IJMB examination that the results have been released by the ABU, Zaria IJMB departments. Candidates who wants to collect their IJMB immediately need to call or visit the centre where they receive the IJMB lectures to have their results collected. The IJMB being released now was conducted during February 2016 under the supervision and moderation of Ahmadu Bello university.
Further more, the results might not be
made available immediately, but we believe that between 27th and 30th of this month being June, that the IJMB results should have been made available in all our IJMB centres in Nigeria. If you are wondering what is next after the collection of your 2016/2017 IJMB results, the next time is to buy the JAMB D.E entry form from JAMB office or their website if you have not done so. Then fill your choice university while registering in the JAMB portal for the Direct entry section. Then wait for your choice post UTME university to come out and register the same.
Do write the post UTME and wait for the admission list of that university. Once you see your name in the admission list, congratulations that means you have admitted with IJMB, and you are starting from 200 level of your choice course.
Most times, students need to pay a token to have their results collected, this token shouldn’t be more than #5,000 from their coordinators. So you can start calling your coordinators for the IJMB result and when will it be made available for collection.
For now, there is nothing like IJMB result checker, or IJMB portal or anything like that, that will make it possible to check your IJMB result online without having you to collect it physically at your centre. And if you owned any money, you will be asked to pay before seeing your result. This is how is being done.
With the release of the IJMB result of 2016/2017 session, we can now say we have left the session behind us and our focus now is that of the IJMB 2016/2017 session in which the lectures is already going on. Having anyone who is interested in the 2016/2017 session, ask them to visit www.ijmb.com.ngfor registration, and after print out the IJMB form, they can select their choice center. Our available IJMB centres now are : Ilorin, Ibadan, Ekiti, Abuja, Port-Harcout, and Ilorin will also be made available in the next two weeks. Interested ones should know that lectures have started in all our study centres nationwide and the earlier they register the better. Though there will be a makeup classes for those who are just resuming at our centres
We wish you success all the way.


How do we collect transcript for IJMB or any official copy .

can i do my ijmb about N D A?

Yes, we have a room for IJMBE installment payment visit our IJMB Website

do you have room for installment payments for school fees?

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