IJMB meaning – Interim Joint Matriculation Board program – this is the meaning of IJMB.
Basically, IJMB is a program you register for if you don’t use JAMB to gain admission into the university. With IJMB, which is one year program, you don’t have to register for JAMB to gain admission to your choice university in Nigeria. 

And the above is the meaning of the IJMB. Continue reading to find out how you can participate in and attend lectures at any of Nigeria’s IJMB programme lecture centers.


Full Meaning of IJMB & How To Register For IJMB Program

The IJMB meaning is Interim Joint Matriculation Board is an Advanced Level (A’level)  program of 9-month being supervised, run, and moderated by Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. And this is the meaning of IJMB.

What is IJMB?

IJMN meaning IJMB program in Nigeria - Meaning of IJMB

Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) was set up to serve as an alternative method of gaining admission into a tertiary institution in Nigeria at the 200 level via the Direct Entry (D.E) form.

IJMB – Interim Joint Matriculation Board is a nine-month Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria moderated Advanced Level (A’Level) programme. IJMB is a federal government-approved program certified by Nigerian University Commission (NUC).

We are going to show you how to register for IJMB programme and what is IJMB and the full details of the meaning of IJMB and the Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination (IJMBE)

How To Register For IJMB Program

To register for the IJMB program interested candidate has to begin filling out the IJMB program form at the IJMB registration portal and that is where to register for IJMB.

Just like the University of Lagos supervises the JUPEB program, and the University of Cambridge supervises Cambridge A-Level in Nigeria, so also ABU, Zaria is to IJMB.

 IJMB allow successful students to get admission into 200 level of almost Nigerian universities, and candidates can actually study any course of their choice with this interesting programme including but not limited to Medicine, Law, Accounting, Business Administration, Mass comm. Linguistics ETC.

Further Details on IJMB Meaning

You can see the list of Nigerian universities that accept IJMB into 200 level. Normally, IJMB  is supposed to be 10 months program, but since students are not going to resume at the same time, hence we have students who only ended up spending between 9 and 7 months throughout the IJMB programme.

Since time has nothing to do with your result but your seriousness, and IJMB is not for brilliant students but for the determined heart who is ready to sacrifice time and energy with his/her books, it is going to be a success all the way.

While we do not want to make a joke of the exam, we must say that the exam is not as difficult as being portrayed by many people, is just that interested candidates need to sit tight to pass the IJMB exam.

We must tell you that we have seen a student who began in January while the exam was scheduled for May 2009, and he received 14 points out of the 16 available in total, despite being a science student.

Another important factor is the issue of the lecturers, anywhere we posts students to, that means IJMB Alevel Registration have tested their method of teaching and have attained a very high degree in their method of teaching.

We do make sure that IJMB centres use lecturers that are IJMB inclined, how do you know those lecturers? That is why you must let the right person lead you, because without the right lecturers for the right subject, IJMB students will undoubtedly have issues, if not problems.

How To Register For IJMB Program

IJMB allows you to choose three courses/subjects that are related to what you want to study at the university of your choice.

The highest point for each course is five(5) points, which is denoted by A. That is, all three courses will have fifteen (15) points in total, with an addition of one (1) if  in the three courses/subjects you don’t have F(fail) which stands for 0 points. Making a total of sixteen points (16) altogether.

Points Being Given In IJMB Program

A = 5

B = 4 points

C = 3 points

D = 2  points

E = 1 points

F = 0 points

For you to be considered as being passed in IJMB exam you must score a minimum of  5 points in total i,e EDE stands for (1+2+1) which is five (5) points.

Why IJMB Program Is Better Than Other Programs

The IJMB program is worth to notes, that before JAMB/UTME comes to existence, IJMB was only the tool used to gain admission then, ask these many professors they will confirm it to you.

The same problem facing other sectors in Nigeria have a huge effect on Nigeria education sector, hence, you find few people that only know little about IJMB these days.

Advantages IJMB Have Over JAMB And Other Programs

  1. The IJMB result does not expire, unlike your JAMB which is only for a year.
  2. You can use it over and over again
  3. You can still be doing it and apply for JAMB if you want to kill two birds with a stone
  4. You will have a higher PGD in your university as is going to be divided by 3years, not four years like others who used JAMB.
  5. You have more advantages of being admitted unlike that used JAMB since IJMB students are very fewer in ratio.
  6. I have come across with many educated parents that told me “if my children don’t use IJMB result to gain admission into the university, doesn’t really bother me, all I want from them is to have first-hand experience with A’level program before gaining admission fully to university”

Yes, this is what is seen in other advanced climes, you just have to go through a year with Advanced program before gaining admission fully to the university of choice

For more enquiries please call, IJMB Helplines on 08105087367 or 08111357171



0. Before you make payment. See that you are interested in available IJMB centres today to avoid wasting your money.( https://ijmb.com.ng/registration-fees )

1. Pay your registration fee( http://tiny.cc/ijmbform )

2. Fill out the form ( https://ijmb.com.ng/ijmb-registration )

3. Confirm your email by clicking on the verification link sent to you

4. When you click on the confirmation link, you will be redirected to the page where you will select your centre and method of payment

5. Do that (select your preferred study centre and method of payment, if you have paid select any other method except Online payment if you have not paid, select Online payment to pay with your ATM card via paystack)

6. Then we will confirm your payment by activating your portal( for quick resolving, upload your payment evidence, screenshot, teller, are all accepted)

7. After that you will be redirected to fill the parent/guardian form

8. Then you will receive your admission letter to your email and will also be available on your IJMB portal to be downloaded and view anytime.

9. Then within 2 weeks, pay your acceptance

10. Then resume to your centre from 12th of July to commence lecture

11. When resuming bring along at least 50% of your centre fee

And the above is the meaning of IJMB, what IJMB is all about and how to register for the programme in Nigeria.