IJMB examination timetable for the 2014/2015 session has been released. The IJMB exam will start by January 20th of 2015. The first course is Biology Practical for Biology students and Government 1 for Art and Humanity students that same 20th. Students are advise to get the complete timetable from their various coordinator’s (HOD) of their respective departments. We hope that once the examination start on that 20th, the result will be released of the month of April 2015.
After the result have been released, the concerned students need to buy D.E form (Direct Entry) from JAMB website, their various offices or accredited Nigerian banks and fill their choice universities…you have the opportunity of choosing two universities per direct entry, and you can buy two direct entry forms -that means four universities. Do take note, that IJMB result doesn’t expire anymore, that is one of the reason you need to
work hard (read hard) to get as many points as possible out of the 16 maximum points you can get.
Steps In Applying For IJMB Program
Finally, we should call you to ask you if you have any question or clarification you want us to answer or make